Sunday 29 April 2012

And now for something completely different.....

Headed off to our local park this afternoon for a goldie hunt. This park hosts an international music festival over 3 days in March each year, we did well there last year after the festival so thought we would try again. Goldie tally $42.00, the usual old decimal, a '61 penny and '64 florin as well. The little ring is stg silver but the bangle is junk jewellery. 51 coins in total plus all this other non ferous scrap for the recycle bin. The brass dish thing is interesting, not quite sure what it is, I'd appreciate any ideas you might have. It measures 2 1/2" at the widest diameter and 3/4 of an inch high. I'm sure there are plenty more goldies to be had here, and as it's close to home we will hit it quite a bit in the comming weeks.


  1. that was a really nice productive hunt.. now if you could do that every day of the week.. use the money to buy lotto tickets and then you could be rich.. ..RICH!, or you could buy some really nice takeaways... or half fill the car with petrol...

  2. Good going Guy,the brass tap looks like an old gas fitting,sorry not sure about the saucer thingie.

  3. I think you have found a money tree.
    Perhaps next year some signs showing where to drop coins and jewelry would save a lot of digging. :-)

  4. It looks like a muffin tin but if it is brass then maybe a laboratory dish perhaps.
