Sunday 4 September 2011

A day of records and personal bests...............

After a very slow start to the detecting weekend, (only 24 coins for 4 pre decimals,  after work on Friday and yesterday), we decided to head out of town again today. This location has an old school that has been closed for about 10 years and not yet re developed. We started off badly, with only an old decimal 10c to show for the first 1/2 hr. I was about to give up and go to plan 'B' when on the way back to the car I got a solid hit. This was in an area of grass between the old pool and playground, about 20 X 5m. Two hours later this was the result..........A Personal Best of 65 coins from one location in 1 hunt, a record amount of pennys (20) a record amount of 1/2 pennys (5), the most silver shillings (5) and an equal best on the silvers for 1 hunt (6). Add to that a pile of brown buggas, a few spendable goldies and a couple of badges and suffice to say I'm happy but tired!
Not much trash either, nearly every signal was a coin...........I havn't even scratched the surface at this location yet, I'll definately be going back soon!


  1. You've found a "Honey Hole"!!! Keep hitting it, that spot sounds like it could produce for quite a while.

  2. Awesome amount of finds! Well done on setting some new records too :)

  3. 65 coins is a great result Guy.
    Silver looks good too.
    That site could be a real winner I suspect.

    It has been quite noticeable recently that our non Auckland city detectorists are getting the most silver and gold. Got to be a message there .....

  4. Ah, Auckland may have had more detectorists in the past but it has had more depositors as well! They are there - just gotta find them.

    For example my theory is that every 1km stretch of swimming beach holds at least 800 items of gold. I will post my figures one day but have verified it 2 different ways. The problem is of course getting to the gold which could be quite deep in the sand.

  5. That is a bold statement Grant and I do hope your right as that should mean a glittering Summer for all. I do know a beach where a decent gold ring was lost and I visit there every now and then just in case the sand has churned.
