Sunday 22 May 2011

This weeks goodies

This week the weather has been a bit fickle...........however I did manage to get out a couple of times after work for an hour or so. No more daylight saving means it is now starting to get dark around 5.30 and my latest hunting area is very bushy so the light goes fast. Two fantastic finds this week made it worth the cold wind and rain, the first on Thursday evening was a gold ring, only my second one so far. As you can see it has a nice large red stone and some small diamonds, I think the red stone is a garnet, I'm hoping its a ruby! The other find on Saturday morning was my first silver NZ half crown, its in really great condition for a 1934 coin. I'm really chuffed with that one, it completes my NZ silver collection. As luck would have it, I went out again this morning for a couple of hours and scored another half crown, this one alas was only copper nickel(1950). For those detectorists not in New Zealand, our silver cions were first minted in 1933 and changed to copper nickel after 1946. Copper pennies were first minted in 1940 and continued until the introduction of decimal currency in 1967. Prior to 1933 all coinage in use in New Zealand was mainly English and some Australian. Its interesting of all the English pennies I have found, none date after 1940, perhaps they were removed from circulation when NZ minted their own pennies.


  1. Gee you have some cool finds specially the silver coins.
    I wonder why people in your area loose so many spoons. LOL.

  2. Yes there is an awful lot of spoons :) Those silver coins are worth quite a bit now arn't they .. I watch to see how much small collections go for on trademe.. its surprising
