Wednesday 9 January 2013

Pics from the last hunt

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  1. Shillings in good nick. Is the ring 9ct??

  2. Yep, 9ct. The silvers were cleaned with baking soda, still both in good nick.

  3. Good to see you back Guy.
    Congrats on the gold.

  4. Thanks Chris...............I'm getting close to buying a CTX3030 or Etrac. Recomendations?

  5. Hmmm that is still a hard one for me as so far I have resisted opening a 3030 and giving it a go. :-)
    The E Trac is still a mighty machine and so it seems is the CTX3030 from reading the forums around the world. The ET is waterproof coil only and the CTX is fully waterproof. CTX has GPS and colour screen and latest technology on board. ET is a bit lighter than the CTX although with the battery at the back on the CTX the balance should be better. No doubt if you own a waterproof machine it must widen the horizons for places to hunt. Hope this gives you some idea's.

  6. Congrats Guy,I was a worried about you long time no hear....welcome back and with booty to boot.....PS if it is any help I cannot fault my etrac,I swear somedays it virtually talks to me (Dont tell to many people though)hehe

  7. Planning a real treasure hunting experience for the entire family is simple to do and will create memories that will last a lifetime. Getting your kids outside and active while engaging their minds and imaginations can be fun and exciting for Mom and Dad, too. With a little planning and a bit of imagination, treasure games can bring families closer together and will provide hours of fun and exciting entertainment.
