Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Mine's bigger than yours!

With the weather, the rugby and other commitments, there has not been much to report on the treasure hunting front for the last couple of weeks. I thought I would post some of my more 'unusual' finds from the previous few months detecting.
This one is the biggest bullet shell I have ever seen, a .50cal I believe. It was dug in a local park that was originaly part of an army rifle range up until about 1950. I have put it next to a standard WW2 .303 case dug in the same area for comparison. The headstamp is RA 42. Made by the Remington Arms Co in 1942.


  1. Is that from a machine gun? Looks way too big for a rifle. Interesting.

  2. It was probably used in the Browning 50 cal machine gun developed towards the end of WW1 and is still in use today.
