Thursday, 23 June 2011

Cabin Fever!

The weather has been pretty crap for the last couple of weeks and I've not been able to get out for a decent hunt. Managed to get out yesterday evening for about an hour and came back with about 15 coins, all old decimal bar $5.00 in modern spending as well as a 1947 NZ 1/2 penny. Tonight I figured I had about an hour before the weather crapped out again and it got dark so I went back to the same park I've hit many times before. Only found a solitary $1 coin in the grass so I wandered off into the bush a bit and picked up a very nice condition Victorian penny 1874, a pewter? ring, and a lock insignia as well as a solitary 2c piece. Any time I get a Victorian coin I'm happy!


  1. I would be ecstatic with a young Victoria penny.. only ever found two. Looks in pretty good nick too.
