Sunday, 26 June 2011

Sunday's finds

We did get out today, although the weather men got it wrong.......... it was supposed to be fine and sunny  but it pissed down all morning. We headed off around lunchtime in the direction of the blue sky............not exactly where I had planned but another site I saw on Google maps that I thought might have some potential. It was bitterly cold, a real southerly blowing and the temp was only 8 or 9 deg c, I recon the wind chill factor would have brought the temp down to under 5 deg! After being skunked on the first place we headed back towards home and stopped at a small town that had a park on the river bank, my research told me the park was dedicated in there should be some old coins there. Well after a couple of hours hunting in the freezing cold we came up with this little lot. I will definately be going back to give it the once over again as I wouldn't have hunted more than 10% of it today.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Victoria Penny update

Queen Vicky  had 3 portraits on pennies during her reign, the "young" head (1838-59), the "bun" head (1860-94), and the "veilled" head, (1895-1901).
 So far I have dug 1 "young" head (1854), 6 "bun" heads (1861,'74,'77,'79,'86,'90) and 7 "veilled heads (1896 X2, '97, '99, 1901 X 3). Also dug a 1861 and 1862 half penny. The only Victorian silver coins so far are a 1891 sixpence and a 1901 threepence.

I would love to find an older British coin, but alas me thinks with the colonisation by the English in the 1840s, thats not likely. Even though the British have officially been here since 1832 and William the IV was at the throne during that time it would be too much to ask to find a cartwheel penny of that date. I can only dream!............. Next best thing would be a gold soverign.....surely someone, somewhere must have lost one, and its just waiting to be found by me.Yes I'm still dreaming.

 I'm hoping to get out tomorrow for a hunt, if the weather is as fine as they predict. I'll head out of town again and hunt further afield, found a couple of spots that look promising........ inspired by Madsonicboating's showground finds...........I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Cabin Fever!

The weather has been pretty crap for the last couple of weeks and I've not been able to get out for a decent hunt. Managed to get out yesterday evening for about an hour and came back with about 15 coins, all old decimal bar $5.00 in modern spending as well as a 1947 NZ 1/2 penny. Tonight I figured I had about an hour before the weather crapped out again and it got dark so I went back to the same park I've hit many times before. Only found a solitary $1 coin in the grass so I wandered off into the bush a bit and picked up a very nice condition Victorian penny 1874, a pewter? ring, and a lock insignia as well as a solitary 2c piece. Any time I get a Victorian coin I'm happy!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Issues replying to your blog posts

Every time I try to post a reply to other peoples blogs here on Blogspot, it wont let me post. I keep getting the message.."sorry we cant process your request at this time". Has anyone else had this problem, or am I doing something wrong? Any answers would be helpful.


Monday, 6 June 2011

Queens Birthday finds

Nothing spectacular today, the weather was pretty crap but we managed to get out for a couple of hours in between the showers. The new headphones make such a difference, both places we went to today we have done to death before.............yet still more finds keep comming. Here are the pics of all the finds today............except of course the bottle caps and ring pulls!



Sunday, 5 June 2011

New headphones plus old ground equals more finds!

My headphones have been playing up for a while now, the last couple of months I have only had sound in one ear.................these were the phones I got with my detector when I bought it from the good ole USA. To cut a long story short, today I bit the bullet and purchased some new headphones, good quality TDK.......on special of course because I'm such a bargain hunter as well as a treasure hunter.

WOW! What a difference they make, I can hear every little difference in the tones. Tried the detector out in the front yard on an "iffy" signal I had never been able to locate before, I homed in on it straight away, it was only a bit of foil about 9" deep but gave me the hope that if I go over some old ground again I might pick up a few coins I might have missed before.

So I went sraight out this afternoon, back to the same place I was at this morning, went over the same ground 6 hrs later and....................... YES I was right! I dug 4 more pennys and a silver 3d. It just goes to show that something as simple as the quality of your headphones can make such a difference to your treasure hunting.

PLEASE, PLEASE, if you have some cheap shi**y headphones like I had, get yourself some decent ones and see the difference they make.


Early morning hunt Sunday 5th June

Two more silvers this morning, Enjoy the short video.

New video added